MIBS Where Education Matters

Growing up in an urban neighborhood, Markeisha Crumbley knows firsthand how difficult it is to get the support and resources a child needs to acquire life skills. Markeisha Crumbley overcame being homeless in America due to excellent life skills, coping skills, and faith.  Today, as a motivational speaker and the owner of this company, she wants to help other children survive the same environment and develop as patient adults. She believes that love, among other things in the world, is the way to achieve this goal.

Markeisha Crumbley believes that providing children with life skills education will give them the necessary tools to enable them to live productive in their environment. Today, it is essential to stress the importance of education to our children, as well as take responsibility as a nation. We are ensuring that all children will have the opportunity to receive an excellent education. Besides, the importance of education should draw from our human nature and uplift our intellectual existence. Markeisha's strong believing principles in the power of knowledge are her reasons for wanting to serve the youth and her community. Markeisha has a desire to share her experience to help develop our future generation in America. With great pleasure, Markeisha would enjoy encouraging children always to pursue their goals and never feel their dreams are unreachable.

Markeisha Crumbley

CEO, CFO, BS, MS, QMHP-E, Business Consultant, Life Skills Expert, Professional Life Coach, Professional Tutor